Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why is US Air still in business?

Honestly. I get to the airport and check in. Apparently they give everyone a middle seat when they check in. They ask if I want an aisle or I respond that I'd like a window. "Ok that'll be $25."

Excuse me. Is that a joke? But no, it goes on. I check my bag...$15. Yes, $15 to check a bag that was small enough to carry-on, but I didn't want to hassle with it.

I get on the flight, "would you like a drink?"

Sure why not? That'll be $2.

But the greatest part is when I open the food advertisement for some cold medicine. What is this...Major League 2 when Roger Dorn gets advertisements around the Cleveland Indians stadium to make it look like a little league field.

If you have to nickel and dime that much just to barely make ends meet...maybe you shouldn't be in business to begin with.

I'm just saying.

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